Luisgé Martín defiende que el «odio» no le da voz a Breton, sino «enfrenta sus contradicciones»

The author of the book that compiles confessions José Bretón about killing his two children, Luisgé Martín defends that his work does not give him «voice», but «takes it» and «confronts his contradictions.»
«»Hatred» does not give José Bretón a voice: he eliminates it, denies his explanation of the facts, confronts his contradictions. «Hatred,» in my humble opinion, serves to show the labyrinths of infamy and the people of a criminal. Nothing more. And nothing less,» says the writer in a letter sent on Friday.
In this sense, he argues that the book «Hatred» is written «with the utmost respect for the victims.» While he acknowledges that «it may cause pain in reopening wounds,» it is «no more» than other books that have been published about events. In this regard, he refers to the audiovisual series «Breton, The Devil’s Look,» broadcast in 2023.
He also says that he started writing «hatred» because he could not understand how someone could kill their own children. «There is a certain type of violence that cannot be explained in any way. Vicarious violence is probably the most misunderstood of all,» he argues.
In the same vein, he asserts that, like the «majority» of writers he knows, he writes «to understand the world,» as well as «to bring order to what is chaos, to maintain a certain certainty in the midst of shifting sands,» and to «seek answers» to his «demons and society’s demons.» «In this way, we arrive at the crime of José Bretón, which contains all the paradigms of evil in capital letters and which became, in 2011, a symbol of sexist violence in Spain,» he explains.
He also refers to authors who, through their works, report other crimes that have taken place throughout history. – «In 1965, Truman Capote published In Cold Blood, the chronicle of a heinous crime whose authors – one of whom fell in love, was on death row. In 2000, Emmanuel Carrère published The Adversary, a portrait of Jean-Claude Romand, who killed his two children, his wife, and his own parents. Carrère visited him in prison and corresponded with Romand for years, who was released from prison in 2019 after serving his sentence. And in 2020, Nicola Lioia, using the same narrative tools, collapsed a heinous crime that shook Italy in 2016. These are three masterpieces. Before and after, there were hundreds or thousands of similar books,» he points out.
Martín assures that he is not literally comparing himself to these authors, but rather comparing his purpose with theirs. «Ask about hatred, about the brutality of human nature, about cruelty, about the social structures that support that violence. That is, to a large extent, the history of literature,» he says.
Finally, the journalist says that «hatred» «deserves reflection,» that «few people have read it, it arouses public hatred from those who have not read it.» «Unfortunately, it is in line with the kind of society we are heading towards, where preemptive resentments replace critical thinking,» he concludes.