Investigan difusión de la princesa Leonor en Chile

Investigan difusión de la princesa Leonor en Chile

The investigation began just one day after the Spanish Royal House filed a complaint about leaking the heir.

The Chilean prosecutor opened an investigation to disseminate images of Princess Leonor, 19 years old, shopping at a mall in Punta Arenas, as confirmed on Sunday. This announcement comes shortly after the Spanish Royal House lodged a complaint about the same issue.

According to an official statement published in Spanish media, the regional prosecutor of Magellan and the Chilean Antarctic informed that, following a complaint filed by Spanish security agents in advance, Carabineros de Chile launched an investigation on «Recording and dissemination of private images» without the consent of those affected.

In the leaked images, you can see the Spanish heir dressed casually as he enters and walks through the corridors of a mall located about 3,000 kilometers south of Santiago, at the southern end of the South American continent.

Who leaked the images of Leonor?

In turn, the shopping center Zona Franca Arena Point acknowledged responsibility for leaking the princess’s images, although they claimed it was done «for journalistic purposes.» Additionally, the center expressed willingness to cooperate with any related information or investigation requests. In their statement, they explained that Princess Leonor’s visit took place privately in a public area that was not announced or disclosed.

The princess has been aboard the ship Juan Sebastián Elcano since January of last year when she began the next chapter of her military training. Alongside her Navy comrades, she crossed the Atlantic and traveled through the American continent until completing her journey in New York.


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