El respaldo de la Corte Suprema a los parques eólicos en Galicia

El respaldo de la Corte Suprema a los parques eólicos en Galicia

The president of Xuntei, Alfonso Ruda, requested «take note» after the latest decisions of the Supreme Court that approved the authorizations of Xunta for Wind Parks. He considered their content «very clearly» due to the fact that previously ruled by the Superior Court of Xusta de Galicia (TSXG) «was not well condemned.»

«It is the third sentence,» said the Galician Executive Chief, in response to questions from journalists in a Law in Coruña and in statements where he influenced the «effects» that the decisions of the Superior Court in Galicia (TSXG) have on the stoppage of wind parks when later ruled against.

In this regard, he insisted that these are projects that industries need «to work in Galicia.» «The sky is clear and acts accordingly,» he said to specify that his goal is not to «criticize» the people who signed the TSXG rulings, but to «draw attention» to the fact that there are already three sentences from the Supreme Court regarding the fact that it has been declared «not convinced.»

«Take note and that Galicia can have a development of renewable energies accompanied by reality, but other autonomous regions will take the lead,» seemed to reject what he considered, based on the opinion of the Supreme Court, «so relentless.» «For the third time they say things are going well.»

Meanwhile, in response to the media, after participating in a day in Vigo, the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Ángeles Vázquez, expressed satisfaction with the latest decision of the Supreme Court, which supports the authorization of the Campelo Word campaign and insisted that this resolution opens the door to Galicia.

This has been particularly expressed by technicians who carry out environmental procedures, who in recent years «experienced a little harassment.» «It seemed that everything they did was wrong,» he said.

In this sense, he emphasized that the technicians were «fully aware that the law was fully complied with,» but «every month that passed the» obstacles «with» processes «and» decisions of the Superior Court of Galicia «increased.

The sentence of the snake park in Campelo implies that it influenced Ángeles Vázquez, «the third consecutive time» that the Superior Court «supports the good work of the» autonomous technicians and their resolution «implies a back» in their performance.

After insisting that the processing complies with state regulations, European and Galician laws, the Minister indicated that this sentence opens the door to «start» the more than 120 processes that affect the processing of more than 60 wind farms, which «could see the light.»

Finally, he emphasized that the implementation of these facilities has a translation to reduce emissions. In this sense, he recalled that, with the current parks, the transmission of 3.8 million tons of CO2 is avoided and, with those that are currently paralyzed, the emission of another 2.7 million tons would be avoided.

«I had a» standstill «and now I am very happy for the technicians, that once again, the Supreme Court is right,» said Ángeles Vázquez. 



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