Plenario aprueba dos propuestas de ley en Andalucía el jueves 20 de marzo de 2025

Thursday, March 20, 2025

The plenary session of the Andalusian parliament today approved two proposals that were not the law presented by the Popular Parliamentary Group, one related to the promotion of industrialization in Andalusia and another to reject the transfer of powers in the field of immigration with the autonomous community of Catalonia to attack the constitutional framework.

In the other three initiatives, a motion from the Andalusian Group on the situation of early childhood intervention, a non-right group from the VOX group related to guaranteeing the unity of the police in the state’s territory, and another from the Socialist group on financial resources for the autonomous community and local entities in Andalusia, were discussed.

In addition to these initiatives, the plenary session included an interpellation from the Socialist group related to general education policy and oral questions, including those directed at the President of the Andalusian Government.


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