Alós (pp) considera a los demócratas sociales de Aragón «huérfanos» ante el «triunfo del sanchismo»

Alós (pp) considera a los demócratas sociales de Aragón «huérfanos» ante el «triunfo del sanchismo»

The Secretary General of PP-Aragón, Ana Aló, stated that the 18th Regional Congress of Psoe Aragón this weekend, March 15 and 16, will be the «triumph of Sanchista socialism», in addition to the «orphans» of constitutional socialism in Aragón.

The «popular» leader expressed on Friday at a press conference that this weekend, the Congress will present a «radicalized and populist» vision built by the Secretary General of PSOE and the head of the Central Executive, Pedro Sánchez, «against his own constitutional legacy.»

The meeting of PSOE in Aragón is «the triumph of Sanchista socialism over constitutional socialism» and with Pilar’s joy as «an indispensable tool after consuming Javier Lambán.» He affirmed that this Congress was conceived «ad hoc», thinking «for the greater glory of Sánchez, the dominator of the newly conquered territory.»

Alós referred to the «strong staging» of the appointment, with the participation of the former head of the central executive, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and the General President of Catalonia, Salvador Iilar. In fact, he continued, one of the central documents will be the conversation between Pilar Alegría and Ilala, which emphasized, according to his position, as «responsible for the dismantling of the state in Catalonia to satisfy the independence partners who allow Sánchez to continue in the Moncloa.»

He stated that Pilar Alegría, in her first act as Secretary General of PSOE Aragón, «reserves the starring role of policies that invalidate constitutional principles and give more power to enemies in Spain every day.»

«The change is brutal,» said Aló, arguing that it goes from the Secretary General «who at least raised his voice against pardons, amnesty, and privileged financing to Catalonia, aware of the deep damage it causes to Aragón and all of Spain,» in reference to Lambán. The leader «willing to surrender to PSC, ERC satisfies Sánchez’s personal interest and his thirst for politics.»

In addition to the meeting between Illa and Alegría, «Aragón and Catalonia: neighborhood and understanding,» they will discuss the Minister of Industry and Tourism, Iordi here and the Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, on «Industry, Tourism, and Housing: the challenges of Aragón to see the territory»; And the head of the economy, trade, and company, Carlos Corps, with the head of foreign affairs, the European Union, and Spain’s cooperation, José Manuel Albares, on «Aragón as a global actor.»

This 18th Regional Congress will also be that of «Vassal and Submission.» From now on, there are «rules» and PSOE Aragonese of Pilar Alegría «adapts without grinding the order, whatever it takes and has the costs for Aragonese and the entire Spanish nation.» In this way, the Secretary General of the Socialists in the autonomous community «expands his area of participation in Pedro Sánchez’s Egolatry Project.»

Pilar Alegría said that she will not only be «the first defender of Sánchez’s lies and delusional policies as a government spokesperson but will enthusiastically become part of Aragonism’s socialism and co-author of these lies and these policies of inequality, insolvency, and division.»

The Secretary General of PP-Aragón recalled that Turolenses «are still waiting for Pilar Alegría to apologize for comparing aid with business operations with the creation of an independence tax for Catalonia that violates the common tax regime.»

However, instead of apologizing, she «will dedicate her participation with ILA to fuel, defend, and support the PACTs between PSC, ERC, and boards.» Therefore, the Aragonese PSOE, with joy at the forefront, becomes a «vassal» of the Socialist Party in Catalonia «to swallow each of Sánchez’s atrocities in favor of independence, gardens, amnesty in immigration policy delivery, and border control, through the independence part.»

In this sense, he mentioned: «This is not a normalization of Catalonia, but to grant, step by step, the independents of their secession project to destroy the Spanish constitution.» With the new leader of Aragonese socialism, the criticism of this «nonsense» ended to defend it, without directly repairing the damage of Aragon.

«This weekend we will witness the birth of an Aragonese PSOE that breaks ties with its constitutional principles, abandoning the spirit of transition and consistency to join Pedro Sánchez’s sectarian and fanatical vision to build a wall between Spaniards,» said the popular leader, adding: «The outcome is terrible.»

The new Aragonese PSOE «will defend the abuse of Aragonese and share the inequality among Spaniards, with privileged financing and voting against compensating the autonomous community for the loss due to the suffering of depopulations and the central crossing of the Pyrenees, which is necessary, like Almudévar and Yesa.

On the other hand, he criticized Alegría for «supporting and defending corruption in her ranks, whether by the mayor of Aguarón, Tito Berni, by Ábalos, Koldo, by Pedro Sánchez’s family circle, or by the intolerable and unjust actions of the state’s general prosecutor.»

«Aragonese socialism has never been at such a low ebb, so from the reality of Aragón and until now being a useful political option to defend the interests of Aragonese,» concluded Ana Aló.


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