Rego anuncia la aprobación de 15 millones para la atención de menores inmigrantes de Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla

Rego anuncia la aprobación de 15 millones para la atención de menores inmigrantes de Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla

Rego lamented the lack of support from some Autonomous Communities for an initiative that would have allowed for support to arrival territories with a welcoming reception based on criteria agreed upon in previous years. The government had an additional allocation of 20 million to facilitate the distribution and reception of minors among the Autonomous Communities. The issue will be addressed again in a future Sectorial Conference.

The State Pact for the Eradication of Child Poverty

During the Sectorial Conference, Rego presented to the autonomous authorities a first diagnosis of the situation of child poverty in Spain. The minister requested the collaboration of the autonomous communities to complete the panorama of child poverty at all levels, in order to propose measures to move towards a State Pact to eradicate it. «It is important to know what the snapshot is in each territory, to have specific and disaggregated data to consider where we are going,» she said.

The minister emphasized the importance of increasing the pace of public investment in policies to eradicate child poverty to bring it closer to the European average, 2.3% of GDP. «We have to make an effort,» she argued. She also emphasized the importance of creating a universal parenting benefit, in line with measures that several European countries have implemented with positive impact.


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