La última autorización ambiental del otro proyecto se discutirá en el pleno de la cámara gallega.

La última autorización ambiental del otro proyecto se discutirá en el pleno de la cámara gallega.

The recent environmental authorization from the Xunta for the project that others are collecting for the Municipality of Palas de Rei (Lugo) will be the focus of the questions that the leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, and the head of the PSDEG ranks, José Ramón Bsteiro, will ask the President of the Galician Government, Alfonso Ruda, in the next plenary session of the Galician Chamber.

The session, scheduled for March 25 and 26, will include appearances by the Minister of Presidency, Justice and Sports, Diego Calvo, who will outline the general guidelines of his department; and the head of economy and industry, María Jesús Lorenzana, who will provide information on the status of strategic industrial projects in Galicia.

The plenary session, as reported by the groups after the Xunta spokespersons set the agenda, will begin with the approval of the new law for the development and promotion of artificial intelligence (AI) in Galicia, a regulation through which the Xunta aims to make Galicia the first European region to regulate the use of AI in administration and throughout society.

Both the BNG leader, Ana Ponton, and the PSDEG Secretary General, José Ramón Gómez Betiro, will take advantage of the main control session of the Galician Executive to inquire about the recent authorization granted by the Xunta Project proposed by Altri for Palas de Rei (Lugo).

In this sense, this will be one of the issues that will be the focus of the plenary session, where the BNG will also seek explanations about the water collection in the Pordemorou tank. All of this in a session where the block will defend a proposal to «guarantee the protection of Ría de Aruso» against the authorization to reopen the Pine Tour-O Pine.

On the agenda, it is also considered another initiative by the Galician nationalists to request the transfer of meteorological services to Galicia.

In turn, the socialists will present an unassigned proposal to compel the PP to vote «in favor or against Galicia being accused of forgiving 4.010 million offered by the central government.»

The plenary session next week will also include a motion by the PSDEG to demand that the Galician government allocate its own funds to the Aluguiro bonus for a proposal to promote good behavior and prevent violence in sports. They will also include an oral question to demand that the Xunta «respect the judicial orders that grant rights to Galicia regarding discrimination in aid for textbooks and school supplies.»

Finally, they will question the Galician government to demand the design of a strategic addiction plan and will include two questions to address a waiting list team at the Hospital Da Mariña and ensure support teachers at CPI Castro Baxoi, in Miño.

In turn, the Popular Group will focus their demands on the transfer and toll-free of the AP-9 toll road, after the Secretary General of Land Transport states that making this infrastructure toll-free «is not feasible due to the very high volume of expenses it would imply.»

Therefore, they will present two proposals, not laws in this regard. With the first one, they will ask the State Government to take all necessary measures to complete the transfer of the AP-9 and immediately implement toll-free on this infrastructure as well as on the AP-53.

Secondly, they will request the Spanish Government to provide the requested information on the position of the Central Government regarding the requirements of the European Commission and to comply with the requests for information and meetings requested by the Xunta through the Ministry of Transport. 


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