La inversión en infraestructura educativa superará los 32 millones de euros

The Department of Education, Culture, and Sports of the Government of Aragón will invest more than 32 million euros in educational infrastructure in accordance with the annual plan worked on by the ministry and advanced by Minister Tomasa Hernández on Friday during the plenary session of the courts, where the issue of Psoe Vice-Manual Carmen Siler was raised.
Despite the scenario, there has been a significant increase in real investment figures, with the department’s percentage in this field reaching 95%.
Hernández also noted that the department’s annual contract plan for this year has already been published in the Official Gazette of Aragón, totaling over 46 million euros, with 35 million allocated to infrastructure management and 11 million to provincial education services.
The Head of Education criticized the inherited problems in this field from the previous educational administration, citing the lack of an inventory of the educational infrastructure situation and the absence of medium and long-term planning, and in some cases, even short-term planning like Ana María Navales.
This led to managing approximately 160 contracts in 2024, twice as many as the previous administration.
Among the planned works for this year, the counselor highlighted the extension of the Ángel Riviere Special Education Center, the Pablo Serrano physical education pavilion in Zaragoza, the refurbishment of the old Florenio residence for the outbreak, and the replacement of the roof of the Virgen del Pilares.
Additionally, projects such as the secondary phase of CPI Venice Park, the primary school in Ana María Navales, and the works at CPI Arcosur are nearing completion.
In Huesca, the extension of the Montearagón Cra School building in Chimillala, the adaptation of the dining room at Joaquín Costa Primary School in Graus, the roof rehabilitation and thermal insulation improvement at Sobrabe Primary School in Aínsa were highlighted.
Furthermore, the expansion of the Bronchless and Perales schools, the hangar for aircraft maintenance at IEES Segundo by Chomón, the kitchen and dining room at Ceip Ensanche, the facilities at San Josfp to be turned into a reference center, and the adaptation of spaces for environmental management and circular bioeconomy for a classroom for practical work are part of the ongoing projects.
Carmen Soler criticized the Popular Party for neglecting rural schools and education in general, comparing the increase in education investment during the last year of Luisa Fernanda Rudi’s leadership in 2015 to that of Javier Lambán’s government in 2023. She emphasized the need for a different policy approach.
She accused the counselor of lacking commitment to education and infrastructure planning, pointing out that only 16 million euros will be invested in the department this year, which she deemed insufficient.
The PSOE parliamentarian expressed surprise at the delay in the implementation of the education department’s contracting plan, mentioning the delayed «Rodanas» extension project in Epila, Zaragoza, among others.
She also raised concerns about the lack of provision for projects like the ICC work in Pnesque and the absence of plans for the Professional Music Conservatory in Zaragoza in the employment plan.
In conclusion, she questioned the future of projects like the Hospitality School in Zaragoza, the Siétamo College extension, and the transformation of kitchen facilities on-site.