Google informa que un problema técnico ha causado la eliminación de datos de cronología de algunos usuarios en Google Maps. Algunos usuarios podrán restaurar su calendario si han realizado copias de seguridad. Sin embargo, muchos usuarios han perdido su historial de ubicaciones valiosas debido a este incidente. Recomendamos a los usuarios activar las copias de seguridad en la aplicación MAPS para evitar la pérdida de datos en el futuro.
A few weeks after some Google Maps users reported that their timeline was deleted from all the places they visited as reported by 9to5google, Google confirmed that the data of some users was deleted and, in some cases, not recoverable. In a statement to El portavoz de Google Genevieve Park, she said: «I briefly experienced a technical issue that caused the deletion of timeline data for some people.» Only users who have made backup copies will be able to restore their timeline, according to the statement.
Google recently and backup data do not seem to be activated by default. To activate them, you must access the timeline in the MAPS application and update the settings on the cloud icon there. The incident has caused some users to lose valuable location history. And although some who had activated backups before this issue said they were able to restore their timeline data, others said they could not recover it even after importing backups.
This article originally appeared on Engadget.