Eliminar manchas de sangre en diferentes tipos de tela

Eliminar manchas de sangre en diferentes tipos de tela

Removing Blood Stains Among different fabrics there is a trick, this type of stain is one of the most difficult to remove, although it is not impossible to get rid of them. Washing clothes over and over again, trying everything possible to remove a stain from the sofa or bed, blood stains are one of the worst nightmares when it comes to washing or keeping the house clean.

They are especially difficult to remove if the blood is already dry. If we detect them immediately, we can avoid a bigger disaster. With the necessary tools and without damaging the different fabrics, using these tricks we can leave upholstery, clothing, carpets, or any type of fabric affected by blood stains in perfect condition.

Steps to remove fresh blood stains

We make a difference when we remove dry stains from recent ones. In this second case, when they have just occurred, they are easier to clean. It is important not to mix blood-stained clothes with the rest of the laundry in the washing machine. We will first hand wash the blood-stained clothes, removing as much stain as possible.

Soak the garment in cold water and soap. Rub until the stain disappears, leaving us with a clean or almost clean garment. Then we wash it in the washing machine with the rest of the clothes to make it perfect.

Home remedies for removing dry blood stains

The main problem when it comes to removing blood stains is when they dry. At that point, there is no possible way to remove this element unless we use one of these natural remedies. They are based on products that you surely have in your kitchen and will help you get rid of this type of problems immediately.

· Hydrogen peroxide Perhaps one of the most used remedies for removing blood stains. The chemistry acts immediately, you will see how the foam starts to come out of the stain. You can apply it directly on clothing or any fabric, such as a sofa or mattress. You will make the stain start to disappear.

This chemical reaction should make the stain disappear, let it act for at least 30 minutes. If it is a coat, prepare a place where you can put it in cold water. Fill the bathtub or a sink, if you have one, with cold water. Place the garment in cold water for another 10 minutes.

It will be time to wash it with water and soap until you have a clean garment with no trace of blood stains. If it is upholstery, we can rub it directly with water and soap and wait for it to dry. The results should be the same and the stain will be a thing of the past.

If it is a delicate fabric that the hydrogen peroxide effect could damage, mix it with a little water before applying it directly. You will achieve similar results without fear of damaging the part that has been stained with blood.

· The other great home remedy for removing dry blood stains is baking soda and vinegar. These two elements together produce a reaction capable of removing dry blood stains.

The chemistry of these ingredients works in two steps. First, we put the baking soda on the stain and then wait a bit. This element serves as a powerful detergent that removes stains and odors from fabrics. Always have it at home for a total cleaning.

Put the vinegar in a spray bottle and spray directly on the stain, this way you will get the chemical reaction you need to remove the blood stain. Let both elements act on the stain.

This second option should rest on the stain for at least 20 minutes. After this time, remove the product with cold water and a little soap. Check how the dry blood stain disappeared.

· Ammonia It is the last option if the stain was resistant to the others. It is a very strong product, so you have to be careful when handling it and do it with the windows open and the house ventilated. This way you will make the stain disappear, mixing a little water with ammonia to not damage any fabric.

Let it act for about 10 minutes, then you have to remove the mixture with water and soap. Keep in mind that this is a very strong product that will emit a distinctive odor. Opt to wash the fur if you want it to disappear completely with a good conditioner to accompany it.

Bleach is an option for white fabrics. One of the classics is to use this element that we have all used for tough stains. Do not do it too often because you can damage your clothes. It is recommended for white sheets that are not in danger of losing their color.

Tips for removing blood stains

· Leaving blood stains on upholstery or carpets can be more difficult to remove. Apply these solutions in ventilated places and use the right tools. A soap that works for tough stains and is ideal for upholstery.

· Always hydrate before the upholstery or carpet will make the stain easier to remove, if it is dry it is more difficult to remove.

· If you have stained the mattress, try to clean it as soon as you notice it. when the blood is fresh. If it has seeped into the mattress, don’t worry, the same products will take care of removing it. You can air dry it or directly with the help of a dryer. It will be perfect.

These types of stains are more common than we imagine, they have an easy solution and with these remedies you will see how they disappear quickly.



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