Ahora cualquier persona en Estados Unidos puede adquirir el despertador de Nintendo en la tienda en línea. Nintendo of America ha informado que ya está disponible para su compra el reloj temático con alarmas personalizadas, el cual puede ser adquirido por cualquier persona, ya sea con o sin membresía en línea. El despertador viene en un llamativo color rojo y cuenta con una variedad de temas preinstalados para elegir, como Super Mario Odyssey, La leyenda de Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 3, Pikmin 4 y Aventura de Fit Ring Fit, entre otros. Nintendo ha anunciado que próximamente se agregarán más temas como Mario Kart 8 Deluxe y Crossing Animal: nuevos horizontes de forma gratuita en línea. Además, la alarma estará disponible en tiendas seleccionadas a partir de marzo, así como en línea en otras regiones. Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en Engadget.
Nintendo of America has announced that it has opened purchases for the themed alarm clock to the public, so anyone can snag one, with or without a Nintendo Switch online membership. The bright red alarm clock comes with a handful of built-in themes to choose from initially – Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 3, Pikmin 4, and Adventure Fit Ring Fit – and Nintendo says others including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be available for free online. The alarm will also be sold in select stores starting in March, as well as online in other regions.
Alarmo was first released in October, but only for Nintendo Switch online members. This changed on Friday when the company announced: «Nintendo Sound Clock: #Alarmo is now available in my Nintendo store, no Nintendo Switch online membership required.»
Alarmo can wake you up and put you to sleep with sounds and animations from the chosen title and has a motion sensor to track sleep (though Engadget’s review considered the latter to be quite useless). There is an undeniable charm to it all; the characters will even celebrate when you finally get out of bed. The downside is that it costs $100. However, I can’t say that the idea of having a band of pikmin to rescue me every morning isn’t extremely tempting.
This article originally appeared on Engadget in Spanish while maintaining its SEO structure and link types exactly as they appear in the original text.