VOX Huesca solicita al Ayuntamiento la recuperación de los obsequios de Año Nuevo para impulsar la ciudad

VOX Huesca solicita al Ayuntamiento la recuperación de los obsequios de Año Nuevo para impulsar la ciudad

Este jueves, VOX Huesca requested that the City Council bring back the New Year’s Eve celebrations to revitalize the city. This municipal group lamented the lack of initiatives by the government team led by Lorena Orduña, «who ignored the tradition and demands of the citizens by not organizing any festive event to celebrate the past New Year’s Eve.»

«While neighboring towns like Monzón, Barbastro, Binéfar, or even Almudévar offered New Year’s Eve parties and events organized by the City Council for their residents, Huesca was left with a poor end of the year without activities,» a press release states.

«Special mention deserves the party organized by the City Council of Almudévar, where a DJ livened up the evening at the municipal sports hall, attracting many young people from Huesca and nearby towns. This event was particularly highlighted for providing a safe and fun space for minors, who cannot access hospitality venues in the capital of Huesca.»

For VOX, «it is inconceivable that Huesca, as the provincial capital, does not offer leisure alternatives to its citizens on such a significant date.»

The tradition of New Year’s Eve celebrations in the city dates back to 1999 when the City Council began organizing events at the Sports Palace.

«Over time, leisure clubs took over, but in recent years, the City Council has shown no interest in maintaining this tradition, leaving the people of Huesca with no options to enjoy the festivities,» they criticize.

VOX Huesca urged the City Council «to take responsibility and return the New Year’s Eve celebrations by organizing events for both young people and adults» and proposed «collaboration with Recreational Clubs so that, by joining efforts, they can offer quality and accessible events for everyone.»

«This would not only revitalize the social and cultural life of the city but also prevent young people from fleeing to other towns in search of entertainment, with the added risk of traveling at these late hours.»

They stated that «the end of the year in Huesca cannot be as bleak as it has been lately. The absence of initiatives reflects a worrying lack of interest on the part of the government team in offering leisure alternatives to the citizens.»

«VOX Huesca will continue to defend a City Council that works for all the people of Huesca, promoting activities that bring the community together and restore dynamism to our capital. Huesca deserves to recover its traditions and offer a cultural and festive offer in line with its status as a provincial capital,» they concluded.



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