Suecos boicotean productos estadounidenses en respuesta a cambios políticos recientes

Suecos boicotean productos estadounidenses en respuesta a cambios políticos recientes
This article was originally published in English

Group members hope that the boycott will effectively pressure the US administration and use the platform to share alternative shopping options.


A series of boycott movements in response to recent political changes in the United States such as Washington’s decision to cut off support to Ukraine and announce tariffs on Europe, in what their followers believe will exert some pressure on the US administration. In Sweden, several Facebook groups are calling for a boycott of American products They quickly gained a significant number of followers. One group, «Boycott Vary Fra US,» has almost 67,000 members, while another, «Boycott Varor Från USA,» has over 70,000.

The groups urge their members to stop buying major products Americans, such as Tesla, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Nike, and Levi, are no longer using services like Netflix, Google, and Airbnb. Janike Kohinor, the creator of the group «Boycott Vror Fra,» said she felt compelled to do something, despite being a Swedish citizen. «When I can’t vote in US elections or protest in the streets of the United States, I feel like I have to do something,» she said.

On the page, members share recommendations regarding alternative options for US goods and services. However, for some, the change is not as straightforward as it seemed. –It’s difficult because everything has American influence. So it’s terribly hard. Then you have to boycott almost everything,» said a Swedish shopper. Another shopper said they understood the initiative but admitted it can be challenging to get people to join them «because you go about your everyday shopping and don’t always think about where it comes from.»

Kohinor said that she was criticized for creating the movement group on FacebookOwned by the American tech conglomerate. «We don’t have a better alternative,» said the group’s creator. «It’s about bringing people together and creating a movement. I believe you need to change gradually as alternatives emerge.


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