Plan de implementación de BIM para la construcción pública

The BIM plan in public procurement was approved by the Council of Ministers in its meeting on June 27, 2023, and published in Boe no. 172 on Thursday, July 20, 2023, through Order PCM/818/2023, dated July 18, publishing the Council of Ministers’ agreement of June 27, approving the methodology for incorporating BIM in the public procurement of the General State Administration and its public bodies and entities. It will be one of the central themes of RECONSTRUIR.
The BIM plan in public procurement serves a dual purpose: to improve the efficiency of public spending on contracts in the public sector and, at the same time, to act as a lever for the digital transformation of the construction sector.
Reconstruction and Sustainable Construction
It has been 10 years since BIM arrived in Spain and has since become a key player in the construction industry, especially through the development of the BIM Spain Plan – Nombreado, approved in June 2023 and designed to reach 25% of public tenders within this methodology.

According to the latest report on BIM in Spain in 2024, prepared by the Interministerial BIM Observatory (Cibim), figures show that around 12% of employment in administration is already taking this concept into account, bringing together different actors in the construction phases of a building.
The same study indicates that despite significant progress in BIM integration, regions like Catalonia, the Community of Madrid, Andalusia, the Valencian Community, and the Basque Country are the most advanced in its application.
Therefore, Recosting 2025, the fair that introduced industrialized constructions in Spain, will take place from April 23 to Ifema Madrid, with a forum focused on BIM to analyze and review the current technological state in the country. Experts like David Barco, consulting director at Berrilan, or Alba Fernández, a lawyer specialized in urban planning and real estate, will highlight the impact that the BIM plan has had on the work developed through its application.
Similarly, Maria Eugenia López, BIM Manager at Ingunus; Fernando Iglesias, innovation manager and BIM Manager at Kronos Homes; and Waldo Titos Huerga, manager at Martín Holgado Work Civil, among others, will discuss how the digital tool is used in practical cases to carry out projects and promotions involving multiple parties.
In the same vein, Miguel Pinto, general manager of the construction group; Adrian García, BIM Senior at Bilba Construction Company; and Jaume Masip, BIM Manager at 011h, will share proposals to promote the use of BIM in reconstruction.
Energy Efficiency with BIM Model
Information stored in the BIM model created for a specific task can be a very useful tool for optimizing energy resources, not only in the construction phases but also in the operational energy consumption of the building once erected.
For example, it allows for the calculation of the carbon footprint of each object and material used, as well as their thermal properties, which can help monitor operational energy consumption. To delve deeper into how BIM influences energy performance, RECONSTRUIR 2025, of which is a media partner, will feature Maitane Zazu, responsible for projects and studies at the Public Housing Department of Nasuvinsa, and Albert Colommer, a self-sufficiency consultant.
BIM-to-Factory: The Reality Takes Over
The design of a building involves a significant amount of information that needs to be processed to meet the requirements for carrying out construction. This is why the digital obligation offered by BIM becomes essential for implementing project development in an organized and efficient manner, from the management of materials and equipment, among other aspects.
Ali el Harii, CEO and co-founder of Bulldozair, the application that enhances information exchange between teams, and Pablo Cordero, CEO and founder of WiseBuild Consulting, will explain in RECONSTRUIR the keys that improve the translation from the plane to the reality of a building through the use of BIM.
Some of the most widely used and large infrastructures in the world, like the airport in Istanbul, were designed due to the use of BIM, which helped organize large amounts of materials, details, and personnel. Leonardo Mata, CEO of Datalaing, a company dedicated to construction software.
Marco Sacenti, BIM specialist at Todo -gap; and José Martí, founding partner of the ERRE studio, will be present at RECONSTRUIR 2025 to discuss the role of BIM in these large-scale building projects.