Nápoles experimenta el terremoto más poderoso en su historia

The residents of the Italian city witnessed the earth moving after a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. Some residential buildings in the neighborhood of Bagnoli, in the Plegrei Campi area, have suffered structural damage. A woman was injured.
Night of terror in Naples after an earthquake of magnitude 4.4 that was felt on Thursday at 1:25. The epicenter of the earthquake was recorded by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) two kilometers deep off Pozzuoli. It was the strongest earthquake in the Flegrei Fields in the last forty years, along with the one on May 20, 2024.
The earthquake was felt throughout the Neapolitan area, but the most damage was recorded in the district of Bagnoli. A woman who did not suffer serious injuries was rescued by firefighters. A false ceiling collapsed onto a house, while several cars were damaged by debris falling from buildings. Some families were trapped on upper floors because the entrance doors to their homes were closed. The earthquake also damaged the bell tower at the Church of Santa Ana.
Undergoing checks in the Flegrei Fields, tensions at collection points
After the initial tremor, INGV recorded a seismic swarm with six more tremors below the size of 1.2. On Thursday morning, firefighters reported forty checks and another seventy underway. Threetalia reported delays on Napoli – Salerno lines via Monte del Vesuvio, Napoli – Roma, and Cassino due to technical checks.
Citizens left the area and some reached the collection points. There were also a few tense moments with the police at the former NATO base in Bago when citizens broke down gates to access their cars. After a meeting at the prefecture attended by the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, schools in the tenth municipality of Bagnoli-Fuorigrotta decided to remain closed on Thursday. In Pozzuoli, waiting areas were activated for the population to assist citizens who spent the night in their cars.