Martín no se arrepiente de la asamblea en Calahorra y siente «cierta tristeza» al no poder explicar.

Martín no se arrepiente de la asamblea en Calahorra y siente «cierta tristeza» al no poder explicar.

La Ministra de Salud, María Martín, dice que no se arrepiente «de que» participó en la plataforma «SOS Hospital de Calahorra», que terminó con abucheos para Martín y el resto del equipo de Seris que lo acompañó. Sí, indicó que tenía «cierta tristeza» de no poder explicar todos los pasos que «seguimos» para buscar «fortalecer todo el sistema de salud en Riojan».

«Nuestra intención es hablar con todos, comunicarnos con todos; y estamos muy orgullosos de lo que se hace, que, de hecho, estamos disponibles para que todos les digan», dijo, para enfatizar que «la reacción de ayer fue que tenemos una bolsa de profesionales que quieren decir lo que hacen».

Martín respondió a las preguntas de los periodistas en el surgimiento de la prensa, en la que informó la nueva lista de trabajos de Seris. Hizo hincapié en que la próxima semana se llevará a cabo una reunión con los representantes de la plataforma, no en el formato de la reunión, para explicar los problemas en el hospital, porque «es obvio que existe una preocupación por el futuro del hospital».

El consejero mencionó: «No recibí ninguna propuesta para tener una reunión ayer, con la plataforma, pero si recibimos una solicitud de un grupo de alcaldes, porque entendieron que muchas cosas podrían aclararse; por eso fuimos a dar la visión y decir los pasos que se toman y los pasos ya se tomarán».

En este momento, dijo que produjo «cierta tristeza», no poder explicar «para decir la visión que del Servicio de Salud de Riojan trabajó con los profesionales de ambos hospitales para decirles, como de otro modo, los pasos que continuarán dando».

«Ayer escuché muchos errores, que no se fueron y no pude explicar lo que hemos visto como un error and we want to explain, in the spirit of goodwill, about the love we have for our Rioja system, to clarify, to be able to work together, to be able to work hand in hand and for your assumption,» «Hospitals and professionals», he said, said by hand and his assumption without facing hospitals and professionals», he said that he would work hand in hand and for his assumption without facing hospitals and professionals «, he said by him, and for his assumption.

The counselor indicated that «from the beginning with the Statutor and I want to remember that it was one of the few things that I could say that there was a voluntary statutory legal of more than 300 professionals from the Hospital Calahorra».

From there, Martín emphasized that «there is some confusion, because I talk about the disappearance of positions, although it is not a disappearance, but an integration into the health service in Riojano, which has a very similar organization to the rest of the health services and that, for example, instead of being called coordinated, they are designated to the service.»

The counselor indicated that «we wanted to tell them not only

They are not eliminated or dismantled, as they say, but the opposite, because, at this time, five previous coordinations, new section leaders will be approved and the headquarters of the service has been raised.

«We also wanted to tell you that all these steps that are taking place are important changes, because we must realize that it has gone from a Private Law Foundation to a Public Law Foundation and the Public Law Foundation to the total integration into the Riojan Health Service, which is a very strong change,» he added.

At this point, Martín emphasized about the Hospital Calahorra that «not only is it not dismantled, but we can say raised and clear that the entire health system in Riojan is consolidated and consolidated due to the integration of a reference hospital in Rioja Baja, like the Hospital Calahorra.» «And in this case, with this integration into a public health system, what we will achieve is to attract talent, make us all stronger, the Hospital Calahorra and the Hospital San Pedro,» he said.

The counselor also emphasized that «from the hospital in San Pedro, they worked on very specific coordination things with primary care, which can be expanded to that work with health centers in Rioja Baja.» «I assure you that all the advantages and it is true that, in some cases, there are some workers who, when it comes to private law, enjoy a certain autonomy and enjoy a certain way of working and a public system cannot allow,» he added.

«All this,» Martin added, «in some cases, leads to disagreements, but I, for the peace of all professionals, agreed with the professionals.» He then explained that «there was a certain friction, because before, when there was an independent hospital in the Riojan Health Service, it had a specific company committee that now makes no sense if it is integrated into a system because, as in all health systems in Spain, from the autonomous communities, there is only one company for all public health» «

In addition, Martín wanted to thank and recognize «all these professionals who work in silence, who work for the good of the health system in Riojan, but especially for the good of the patient and who specialize, day by day, week by week, we will have more and more professionals to work with us.»



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