Lista de espera quirúrgica disminuye a 764 pacientes en Aragón en febrero

Lista de espera quirúrgica disminuye a 764 pacientes en Aragón en febrero

The surgical waiting list for patients waiting more than six months for surgery saw a significant decrease in the last month of February, with 764 fewer patients than on January 31st, as reported by the government of Aragon in a press release on Friday.

«The implemented measures and ongoing healthcare efforts continue to yield results, with a 12.3% decrease over the past year already recorded, surpassing initial forecasts estimated at 10%.»

The surgical backlog of more than 180 days decreased in February to 6,475, resulting in a reduction in the number of patients across almost all specialties. Only vascular surgery saw an increase of 27 patients. Other specialties witnessed significant decreases, such as ophthalmology with a reduction of nearly 400 patients, traumatology with 140 fewer patients, and general surgery with a decrease of 102 patients.

These specialties with patients waiting over 180 days are substantial, and significant efforts are being made to reduce these numbers.

In terms of provincial distribution, 90% of users on the surgical waiting list for over 180 days are concentrated in Zaragoza, with 6,103 patients, while the lowest number of patients is recorded in Huesca with 231, and Teruel with 411. Currently, 70% of Aragonese patients have been operated on before reaching six months.

Over the past two years, surgical demand has increased by 13% due to the normalization of overall activity post-pandemic, the accumulation of unresolved pathologies for the same reason, the increased activity of specialists in hospitals, and diagnostic tests, which in many cases indicate the need for surgery due to the age of the population.

All of the above, along with the aging population, has led to increased complexity in processes over time. In four years, interventions have become 20% more complex as measured in GRD.

This group of diagnostic-related indicators measures the complexity of the entire healthcare process each patient receives by evaluating numerous factors such as comorbidity, diagnosis, and necessary resources.


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