La sidra: una bebida «inclusiva» e «igualitaria» según Gutiérrez
La ministra de Cultura, Política Lingüística y Deporte del Gobierno asturiano, Vanessa Gutiérrez, resaltó el miércoles la capacidad de la sidra asturiana para adaptarse a los tiempos y ser «inclusiva» e «igualitaria».
Gutiérrez participó en una mesa redonda en el stand del Principado de Asturias en la Feria Internacional de Turismo de Madrid (Fitur), donde se habló de la sidra, después de que en diciembre de 2025 se instaurara la «cultura de la sidra asturiana» como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
«Any family could accept to take a pumarada and be able to drink cider and make their own cider for domestic consumption with their neighbors,» Gutíerrez stated, after the event host asked her what sets Asturian cider apart from other similar beverages.
Vanessa Gutiérrez also highlighted the way cider is consumed in Asturias, symbolizing an «integrative character.» She pointed out that a small glass of cider is always offered to people from outside, with the intention of sharing.
«Asturians were primarily farmers, we had our small or not so small plot of land and we took care of it for generations and cherished it above all because in it was the past and the future; in it is our memory, our history, our songs, our dances, our own language, which is also the one in which the expressions of cider still persist,» she added.
The vice-minister of Tourism of the Asturian government, Lara Martínez, also participated in the same panel, indicating that more actions are planned due to the recent recognition by UNESCO. Thus, Asturian cider will have a prominent presence at fairs such as Madrid Fusión.
«This recognition gives us the opportunity to lead our promotions, and we have been doing so for many months,» Martínez commented.