La era de la globalización ha terminado y nos dirigimos hacia un mundo muy proteccionista.

La era de la globalización ha terminado y nos dirigimos hacia un mundo muy proteccionista.

The former president of the government and president of FAES, José María Aznar, warned that «the era of globalization, understood as the ultimate expression of free trade and free exchange among peoples, is ending, ending, ending and we are heading towards a new world.»

This statement was made by Aznar in a speech before a lunch meeting with entrepreneurs from Agonee, organized in Zaragoza by the Basilio Paraíso Foundation, which was attended by the regional government president, Jorge Azón, the mayor of the city, Natalia Chueca, and the General Vice President of Agogosés. It is a «change of the same.»

The former president believed that «we are capable» of facing this challenge, but he emphasized the need to understand the reality to design the future. He expressed optimism, citing that humanity possesses «the most powerful weapon,» which is freedom, and that «when interpreted, it responds to all the challenges that may arise, ending, ending.»

«I hope and wish that in this world, where everything is controlled, manipulated, and can be twisted, the defense of freedom is the most important moral and political value we have,» he concluded.

Aznar began his speech by recalling that on this 12th of March, it marks 25 years since his victory with an absolute majority in the general elections of 2000. He pointed out that the «change» that is prevalent in the world today is due to two fundamental reasons: «the strategic change in the international order and the competition between powers and the consequences of technological revolution.»

Regarding the first case, he mentioned that the current international system is based on an order essentially designed after World War II and also after the Cold War, largely by the United States.

«And in today’s world, the United States has decided that the world has designed changes, leaving behind the rules we have lived by until now and moving to a completely different stage,» he said.

Therefore, in analyzing this change in power competition, the President of FAES argued that it is essential to consider five basic elements that determine power levels, whether in continents, nations, communities, cities, or companies. These elements include demography, military power, technological power, and cultural power.

He emphasized the importance of analyzing who possesses more technological power, who has more military power, or who holds more cultural values based on society, as it is «absolutely decisive» when exercising power «from an advantageous position or from a disadvantaged position.» «And when analyzing these five aspects, it is better to be at the table than to be part of the menu,» he added.

Aznar stated that «this new world that is being designed is leading us back to the early 20th century,» before the First and Second World Wars, to a world divided into spheres of influence, geographically divided, where «a power attempts to maintain security and order» in each geographic sphere, marked by protection.

In his view, the first expression of this scenario is seen in the direct negotiations between the United States and Russia regarding the War in Ukraine. «The United States and Russia negotiate directly without Ukraine, without Europe. And that means recognizing Russia as a preferential partner, instead of its traditional European partners,» he said.

Regarding protectionism, he warned that it represents a «total radical change» in terms of how the planet has operated in recent decades. At this moment, the question for Europeans and Spaniards is «what do we have to do.»

On another note, the former «popular» president referred to the current technological revolution, which entails «a fundamental change» unprecedented since the discovery of fire, even «much more important and transcendent» than the wheel, steam, electricity, or the industrial revolution.

He justified this statement by highlighting that it is a revolution that is deeply unsettling, affecting political, economic, and social institutions, as well as «the cultural life of all peoples» and «the individual life of each of us.»

This signifies that in the «world of tomorrow,» the fundamental relationship will not only be between human beings but also between humans and automobiles.

The significant difference with the things that humans have created to progress, replace, avoid hard work, or improve health is that this revolution involves designing automobiles not only to replace humans in work but to «replace them mentally.»

«There are cars that have much more capacity than the world’s best scientists, there is a ‘neural network’ connection between cars, which are in contact with each other and make decisions independent of human decisions,» said Aznar, emphasizing that, for this reason, it is «very important» for everyone to be «,», «,», «, from the perspective of economic progress,» but also of «ethical responsibility.» The future will determine who prevails, humans or cars, and this is an open decision.»

In this regard, he cited the example of the war in Ukraine, where there will be «drone warfare,» as these aircraft are not just a tool but are the practical application of artificial intelligence (AI).

For all these reasons, the former Spanish president acknowledged that there has never been a change of era in the strategic sense and the consequences of a revolution like technology. «We will need a lot of strength and good food to face this challenge,» he admitted.

Aznar was preceded by the President of the Basilio Paraíso Foundation, Jorge Villarroya, who stated that the organization is entering «a new stage» where it will study the trends in the economy and society of Aragogozi, as well as the issues that relate to the national and international levels.

«The Basilio Paraíso Foundation is born with willingness, independence, and especially its own voice, offering proposals that contribute value to society, entrepreneurs, and our leaders,» he said.

He also mentioned that they are working to understand the tastes, habits, and aspirations of young people in Aragon.

Regarding the present moment, Villarroya mentioned a certain unease due to the prevailing uncertainty at the national and international levels, with significant changes in the international order and internal polarization.

He also referred to the «random decisions» made by the U.S. administration under Donald Trump, which he considered to be «senseless.»


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