La Autoridad Portuaria premia acceso ferroviario a nueva terminal de contenedores en Cádiz

The Port Authority of the Cadiz Gulf (APBC) awarded Ferrovial Construction SA the first phase of the railway access to the new container terminal in Cadiz for 7.1 million euros.
In a statement, the Port Authority indicated that this project, which will allow it to connect to the general interest railway in Spanish, is being developed between the perimeter fence and the new container terminal and must be completed with the Astilleros crossing, to be executed by ADIF, consisting of a 111-meter section of track between a deviation at the station.
The execution of this first phase consists of a main branch of 1.78 kilometers and a maneuver of 615 meters, and will be financed with 6.73 million euros from the lower part of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) of the EU’s Next Generation funds.
Specifically, this contract is part of component 6 «Sustainable, Safe, and Connected Mobility,» investment measure 3 «Intermodality and Logistics,» Project 4 «Improving Accessibility and Durability of Ports,» the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR), with a 100% climate and 40% environmental contribution, as indicated by the APBC.
Subsequently, in a phase to be executed in 2026, the two branches will continue to reach 2.06 and 0.89 kilometers, respectively, giving the terminal the capacity to accommodate railways up to 750 meters long, which is the target parameter of the European railway network.
This second phase is co-financed by 30% by the European Union within the «Connecting Europe (CEF – CEF) Europe» mechanism, from the CEF 2 Financial Framework (Call 2021). The performance is located at the Port of the Gulf of Cadiz and is included in the priority projects of the Trans-European Network («the complete TEN-T network») in maritime ports («maritime ports»).
The Port Authority recalled that, currently, container traffic is managed at the historic Doc Reina Sofía terminal, which has technical limitations in terms of line gantry, projects, and surface capacity, as well as a lack of railway connectivity.
Therefore, the Port Authority of the Gulf of Cadiz promoted the construction of a new container terminal, to be carried out in two phases, with a total area of 38 hectares, a 199-meter dock, and a 16-meter rolling line. The operation of phase 1.1 was awarded to the company Cádiz de Container SL (BASA) in December 2017 and phases 1.2 and 2 in June 2022 to the same company.