Impresión 3D, materiales reciclados y durabilidad en Ecofalles

There are several initial conditions that justify the need for this project named Ecofalles. The Falleros artists sector requires a Technological boost (4.0) This improves the productivity of the sector and also brings about a methodological work change that is more environmentally friendly (ecological) and enhances the Structural safety of monuments.
The main objective of the project is technology and consists of achieving the necessary innovation, through Implementation of industry 4.0 in the elaboration of artistic monuments planted throughout the Valencian community on the occasion of San José (Falla) and San Juan (Fireworks)
This will handle ultimately Obtaining economic durability of this activity from the perspective of the Fallas artists, while Reducing the environmental impact currently involved in the production and Increasing structural safety.
Ecofalles for sustainable failures
The Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce, and Support for Tourism, through IVACE+I, a project to Promote research and development in the production of artistic monuments planted in failure festivals and fires incorporating digital technologies, such as 3D printing.
In this way, it is aimed at improving the industrialization of the sector to make it Economically sustainable profession while reducing the environmental impact associated with this activity and further increasing the structural safety of monuments.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) Coordinates this project, called «Ecofalles» which is developed in collaboration with Sp-Berger and Fallas Vicente Martínez companies. Additionally, the initiative has funding from the European Union within the Valencian Community Program for European Regional Development (Feder) for the period 2021-2027.
Through innovation, the entities that make up this consortium propose solutions to challenges related to Economic and environmental durability that compromise the future of this sector.
In the first case, the project aims to Initiate the progressive reduction of the number of professionals This involves the Falleros Artists Guild as a result of reduced income and lack of profitability.
To achieve this, «Ecofalles» explores Implementation of industry 4.0 technologies in a very manual sector. The idea is to contribute to an adopted work methodology for artists who are not specialists in these techniques. In this sense, free and easy handling applications are being developed to bring additive production or 3D printing technology to the production of failure monuments.
The second axis of the project focuses on Reducing the environmental impact of this artistic activity which is largely conditioned by the massive use of white cork or expanded polystyrene as the main material. This oil-derived product is not only responsible for the black smoke columns during the «crema», but also for Pollution problems that extend to all stages of a failure or fire’s life cycle.
In fact, in the processing phase of figures or Ninot, up to 50% of each Polyspan block is wasted, leading to artists facing Assuming the high costs of managing these wastes.
As an alternative, the team of specialists from «Ecofalles» explores new materials to enable Progressive substitution and compatibility with 3D printing An advanced manufacturing system that better utilizes resources.
For greater structural safety
Improving the structural safety of monuments is proposed in the final pillar of this initiative, which will provide technical assistance to Falleros artists, so that different compositions can be designed with greater guarantees.
Prior to Deficiencies in the training of this group in terms of structures The goal is to provide a guide that complements the knowledge and practical intuition applied in their projects, to avoid possible collapses of monuments, especially when adverse weather conditions occur.
The Highaer Technical School of Roads, Canals, and Port Engineering at the University of Valencia (UPV) and the Concrete Science and Technology Institute (ICETECH-UP) lead this project in collaboration with SP-Berner, a company specializing in recycled plastics, and the SME Fallas Victi Vicente Martínz, where Different applications and pilot tests are being conducted in practice.
Entities that make up the Ecofalles consortium also support two technological centers. This includes Aidimme, which is responsible for mechanical tests to characterize the natural woods used by the Fallas and AIMPLAS, which explores the most interesting recycled materials for use in additive manufacturing processes.
«Ecofalles» is aligned with the conclusions of the specialized innovation strategic committees (CEI) in the activation of circular economy and technologies, established in IVACE+I. First facilities Innovated in the field of digitalization to optimize company operations.
While the second group of specialists advocates for Producing more durable goods through the use of recycled plastics. Additionally, the project is also included in the main axes of the smart specialization strategy of the Valencian community, S3, coordinated by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce, and Tourism.