iFixit desea reparar el soldador

iFixit desea reparar el soldador

iFixit embodies the spirit of «damn, I’ll do it myself» that has always been a trait of technology enthusiasts. As one of the advocates for the right to repair movement, the company is now flexing its muscles with its own electronic product. FixHub is a USB-C powered soldering iron designed to help repair whatever is on your workbench (and may be easy to fix). The iron is complemented by a 55 Wh battery that acts as a support and temperature control, ensuring that you can do everything wherever you go.

Founder Kyle Wiens explained that FixHub was born out of frustration with soldering irons and their limitations. He was annoyed at having to pull an extension cord across the street to fix his car stereo. So, the iFixit team began looking for a way to improve what has traditionally been a simple tool. This includes being smarter, more flexible, and easier to repair.

The 100-watt iron can reach the desired soldering temperature in just five seconds. Inside the iron’s body is an accelerometer that can detect if the iron is idle and in its stand. If it does, it will automatically set it to cool down, hopefully squeezing some extra life out of the iron tip. And if the iron falls from your hand, it will cut off power to hopefully prevent unpleasant accidents. There is also an LED ring on the body that will indicate when the iron is cool enough to touch, heating up, or ready to use.

Photo by Daniel Cooper / Engadget

You can use the iron with any USB-C power source that can output 20 W, but it will remain set at the factory default temperature of 660 f/350 c. For more control (and portability), you will need to purchase the FixHub Power Station, the company’s new 55 Wh battery pack. It will output up to 100 W at once, with enough power to operate two irons at once, or one iron while charging another USB-C device. On the front, you will get a screen and a rotary dial that will allow you to control the iron’s temperature if needed.

Being iFixit, both products are modular and repairable, with the usual commitment to ease of use. The package even includes an iFixit screwdriver that will allow you to disassemble both products when needed. The hope is that you will continue repairing your electronic devices with one of these in hand for the next decades.

iFixit will start shipping FixHub products on October 15 in the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe. The smart soldering iron will cost you $80, while the soldering station, which includes the iron and the battery, costs $250. You can also purchase the soldering toolkit for $300, which will include the above, plus many accessories and materials.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at



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