Ganaremos las elecciones en 2027 en Aragón y sus municipios

Ganaremos las elecciones en 2027 en Aragón y sus municipios

The Secretary General of Psoe Aragón, Pilar Alegría, intervened in the 18th Regional Congress of Psoe Aragón to ensure that «Left Brave» makes it possible to change the autonomous community in the upcoming elections: «We will achieve this electoral victory in 2027 in Aragón and in all municipalities of this size.»

Pilar Alegría took the floor at the opening of the socialist conclave on Saturday, March 15, which is held over the weekend under the theme of «the force of change.»

On this day, she was accompanied by former Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero; Minister of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with Courts, Félix Bolaños; and the President of the Government of Navarra and leader of PSN, María Chivite.

The initial words of the Secretary General of PSOE Aragón were filled with gratitude towards the socialists who held the presidency of the Aragón government, Santiago Marraco, Marcelino Iglesias, and Javier Lambán. «My love, my recognition, and respect for the great and magnificent presidents I had in this autonomous community. Thanks to the three of them for their work, for their performance, for building the Aragón we know today.»

She also emotionally recalled her beginnings in the party: «I played in this party for more than 25 years, which offered me many things, allowed me to develop great policies, work for the citizens of this country and for this community. Thanks to this opportunity, a woman from a small town, the daughter of a homemaker and a farmer, is now a general secretary.»

She emphasized the «importance of this challenge» in leading Psoe Aragón, assuming the «great responsibility» of moving forward in the new phase that opens up in the socialism of the autonomous community: «I want to win and I want to win to govern, and I want to govern to transform and improve the lives of all Aragonese. This is my goal, this is my responsibility.»

«We are the brave left, the one that faces the right, the true left that the right fears,» said the regional leader, asserting that the necessary change will come hand in hand with PSOE, and for this «we have a magnificent team, hundreds of mayors, councilors, hundreds of women and men who will be above all, and above all.»

She appealed to «useful politics» and the value of words to declare: «I will not give you an error, I will leave my skin, I will do everything possible to ensure that in 2027 the socialist party will win the elections in Aragón again.»

In her new role leading Psoe Aragón, «I want to express to those women of all generations, the women who were, those who we are, and especially those who will be,» she emphasized, congratulating them for being the first to reach the General Secretary in the autonomous community.

«We have the responsibility to continue breaking the glass ceilings, to build paths so that the latter can advance in a less rocky way than our grandparents found,» she said, calling for the PSOE’s «fight» for equality, social justice, and rights against «an ultra-reaction, which is only the right to the European model, humble and servile with the powerful.»

It is precisely this «ultra-right» that supports the current government of Aragón, and this land «does not deserve that restriction and that tutelage,» warning of the «bad» consequences from the perspective of rights and freedoms, but also for public services.

«Faced with any type of cut or threat that they want to fulfill with their right and ultra in this autonomous community, to waste what belongs to all, our public services will always have a socialist in front of them. They can be sure of that,» said Joy.

At this moment, she recalled that the socialists «have already arrived, a decade ago, to rebuild all those cuts left by the previous government of the Popular Party in education, health, and social policies.»

She argued that in the almost two years that have passed since the legislature with the «popular» Jorge Azón leading the autonomous government, «it is clear that they have returned to the streets,» emphasizing that the PP understands «the rights of all Aragonese people» and that is why they «try to fool the public.»

«The worst thing that could happen to the public services of this autonomous community is called Jorge Azón,» who has assigned «cuts and wear,» in addition to reproaching the rejection of funds that arrive in Aragón from the Government of Spain, either through deliveries of over 300 million or rejecting debt.

«Let’s make it clear! It is to condemn the Aragonese to more serious public services, if this continues, together with what Feijóo sends to the national PP from the Genovese headquarters,» said Joy, adding, «We cannot afford it. Public policies are what define us, guarantee our cohesion in this territory, generate opportunities for our people in a draw.»

She delved into health issues, lamenting the «cuts» made by the government of Aragón «with one hand,» while the other «opens the door to private health care, with a smile from ear to ear.» «We already know what they intend, we know the game,» she said, determining that their strategy is to «erode and reduce public health to push people towards private insurance.»

In terms of education, she criticized the «popular» management regarding rural schools, while reproaching the lack of teachers and resources or issues with school cafeterias and the care of children with difficulties requiring support for progress.

For all these reasons, «we have the obligation and responsibility to protect the public, that is, defending Aragón, is defending our own, our own. This is exactly what we do from the Government of Spain,» said the socialist leader, also the Minister of Education, FP, and Sports, as well as the spokesperson for the Central Government, acknowledging «social education.»

She trusted that Psoe Aragón would come out of this 18th Congress to «make change possible, so that Aragón once again has the dignified government it deserves, to address its problems.» «It is our moment, let’s go for the next electoral victory in 2027,» said Joy.

«Spain is progressing and I want Aragón to progress in the hands of this country,» said Joy, proposing to «leave behind the dull and empty content and ideas that the government of Aragón under Azcón moved us with.»

Finally, she called for unity to go «for everyone» as an «unstoppable force» and make possible the «deserving» government. «It is time, let’s go for the next electoral victory in 2027,» she concluded.


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