Elección del centro educativo basada en el domicilio de trabajo y trabajo para el próximo curso.

Families with children who are first entering an educational center in Aragon will be able to apply for a place for the next school year between April 24 and 30 on the website. They will do so with an important innovation that aims to further enhance the process, strengthening the freedom of choice for families and promoting a balance between personal and general life, according to the Aragon Government.
The family and work address will be taken into account when choosing the educational center. In cases where proximity to the home is a priority, families who opt for the family home will be given priority to facilitate the socialization of children in their environment.
According to census and registration data, there are 8,995 3-year-olds born in 2022, which is 468 fewer than the previous year. Across the provinces, it is expected that 6,520 students will be registered in Zaragoza (compared to 6,973 the previous year), 1,509 in Huesca (compared to 1,573 last year), and 956 in Teruel (compared to 917 the previous year).
The school process this year will also include the first cycle of babies aged 0 to 3 years in the 11 nurseries of the Aragon government, as well as special education and primary education, with a unified calendar for the current academic year, which has received a very positive response from families and centers.
Building on the success of the changes introduced last year, with 97.32% satisfaction in the first choice, the same unique space for all municipalities in Aragon will be maintained, with a focus on the family home, making family the priority over work.
In the case of choosing the work address, workers will need to provide an updated work history certificate and a certificate from the company owner or the person responsible for the work address. For car workers, a self-declaration will be required, along with proof of payment of economic activities tax, business license, or Social Security clearance.
Proximity to the educational center will be considered for the three provincial capitals. In Zaragoza, families living or working within a kilometer of the chosen center will receive four extra points, while those living between one and four kilometers away will receive three extra points. Villamayor, Utebo, and Pastriz will continue to be considered part of the same municipality as Zaragoza.
In Huesca, the proximity ring will be one kilometer, with additional points awarded, and areas of influence will be maintained. In Teruel, the proximity ring will also be one kilometer. For cases where a center is not available within a kilometer, the same linear score will be given to the nearest chosen center.
The general manager emphasized that the criteria and weighting used in the previous process will be maintained, except for the comparison between the family and work addresses.
A total of 50 points will be available, with points awarded for siblings registered in the same center, proximity to the center, family unit rent, parents or tutors working at the same center, joint schooling of siblings, disability, large family status, single-parent family status, multiple births, welcoming status, and victims of gender-based violence or terrorism.
In case of a tie, priority will be given to applications that prioritize the family address over the work address. Criteria for multiple births, maternal assistance, and victims of gender-based violence or terrorism introduced in the previous academic year will also be maintained.
Key dates for the process include the application period from April 24 to 30, the public draw for session allocation on May 15, provisional lists published on May 16, and final lists on May 22. Registration periods for different educational levels will follow in June.
All information about the process will be available on the website, allowing interested parties to access details about all educational centers in Aragon, the vacancies offered, and the number of daily applications.
To facilitate the process, a contact number will be available for citizens to seek assistance from education services.