El verdadero teatro estrena «Mitridat», el «milagro» de un joven Mozart de 14 años con paralelismo absoluto con Trump.

El verdadero teatro estrena «Mitridat», el «milagro» de un joven Mozart de 14 años con paralelismo absoluto con Trump.

The Real Theatre will present a version organized between March 23 and April 9, with ten performances of «Mithridid, King of Pontus,» the «miracle» work of a young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, aged 14, maintaining an «absolute parallelism» with Donald Trump, as stage director Claus Guth acknowledged on Wednesday.

«When I go home after rehearsals, I immediately think of this character in charge of the United States, and that absolute parallelism can be established with the figure of Mithridid,» he said.

Guth believes that both figures are linked because their actions are «unpredictable,» causing people to «fear and be filled with dread.» «The technique of both is that no one can do what they have to do and they always have to go to the exit door,» he said.

The stage director also confessed that the plot is related to the series «Success.» «It’s a completely current story with which we can all identify,» Guth pointed out.

Claus Guth’s staging articulates the drama of a powerful, despotic man betrayed by his children and the echoes of his actions in the conscious and unconscious of the protagonists, a dream treated with the Oedipal backdrop of Jean Racine’s tragedy, from which the work begins.

«It’s a miracle to understand how he could do this at 14 years old. It’s a miracle, he’s probably the only person who uses the term genius,» Guth praised.

The artistic director of the Royal Theatre, Joan Matabosch, also participated in the press conference, stating that it was a work that was the «testing ground for what Mozart of the future would have been» and emphasized that it is an opportunity for «gold» to get to know the work in Spain. «It’s a shame that it’s so little known,» he added.

«Mozart wanted to show everyone that he could do incredible things,» said Matabosch, indicating that it is a production that «pushes the artists to the limit of vocal concepts.» Thus, according to Matabosch, Mozart wrote the vocal parts for each character with the «maximum spectacle» of the singers in mind.

The Austrian composed «Mithridid, King of Pontus» from a stone’s throw of Italian language books he did not master, a historical drama by Jean Racine (1639-1699), met with initial disdain and sarcasm from some singers and musicians who could not believe that an Austrian teenager could grasp the artifice of the poetic text and the complexity of operatic vocal writing. Opera premiered in 1770 – a few days after Beethoven’s birth – swept its performers and the public, who filled the capacity in 21 performances at the Ducal Ducal Theatre in Milan.

«Mithridid» will be presented later in co-producer theaters: the Frankfurt and Gran theaters at the Barcelona high school. The opera, which was first presented in the real version in a concert version in 2005 with Les Musiciens du Louvre, under the leadership of Marc Minkowsk, now returns, 20 years later, with a staged production.

«Mithridid, King of Pontus» is recorded in the opinions of the serious work called since the eighteenth century, with a succession of recitatives and Arias da Capo, whose writing has been adapted to the characteristics of each singer so that they can use their vocal abilities.

The cast will be led by Juan Francisco Gatell, who will play Mithrida, stating that the production has captivated him with «enormous musical and dramatic contrasts.» About the character of Mithrida, the artist assured that he is «almost a psychopath,» trying to «manipulate» his children.

The rest will be formed by Blanch and Ruth Inhesta (Aspasia), Elsa Dreisig and Vancea Goikoetxa (Sifare), Franco Fagii and Tim Mead (Farnace), Marina Monzó and Sabina Puértola (Ismene), and Juan Sancho and Jorge (Marzio) and Franko Klisevic (Arbon).

Leading the Resident Orchestra of the Royal Theatre will be Ivor Bolton, who will conduct the sixth title after Zauberflöte (2016 and 2020), Lucio Silla (2017), Idomeneo (2019), Don Giovanni (2021), and Le nozze di Figaro (2022).



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