El gobierno de Zaragoza confirma que los cambios en las líneas de autobuses se realizaron según lo planeado

El gobierno de Zaragoza confirma que los cambios en las líneas de autobuses se realizaron según lo planeado

The government of Zaragoza has ensured all the improvements in the implementation of the new circular lines C3 and C4 to replace the number 24 and the extension of line 38, as well as the changes in line 36 were carried out «as planned.»

The circular lines have been traveling with «regularity and without any incidents,» as indicated by the local council to specify that they are «still exclusive to many users» and it is estimated that their number will increase as the weeks progress.

Regarding line 38, it «also functioned as planned, although a certain expedition was completed on the concrete band from 07:30 to 08:30 in the vicinity of Duquesa Villahermosa.»

Subsequently, the service «without major incidents» was regularized until 14:00, the «planned frequencies in each time section» are being met.

Finally, line 36 recorded «more occupancy than usual, although it was normally absorbed,» because its team also increased. However, an improvement is still pending on this line: the new traffic light on Avenue Madrid has not been possible, as the recent rains have delayed the necessary work.

In any case, the mobility service emphasized that it is «impossible» to draw conclusions regarding the implementation of new lines or changes with just a few hours of operation.

The city of Zaragoza and the concessionaire company, Progress, are constantly monitoring these trips, and the uses are being analyzed, the «relevance» of the changes.



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