Cuatro muertos en choque entre dos vehículos en Casabermeja (Málaga)

Cuatro muertos en choque entre dos vehículos en Casabermeja (Málaga)

MÁLAGA, 4 de agosto (PRENSA EUROPA) –

La muerte de una persona en el Hospital Clínico Universitario de Málaga eleva a cuatro el número de fallecidos tras el accidente de tráfico ocurrido el pasado sábado al mediodía, en el kilómetro 5 de la autovía A-356 en la ciudad malagueña de Casabermeja.

As confirmed by sources from the Government Sub-delegation in Malaga to Europa Press. This accident, in which two vehicles were involved, has so far resulted in four deaths and two injuries.

The Andalusian Emergency Service 112 detailed on Saturday that around 2:00 p.m. they received reports of a frontal collision between two vehicles with several people trapped on this road that connects Casabermeja with Torre del Mar (Vélez-Málaga).

The DGT informed Europa Press of the closure of the road in both directions, due to the intervention of various safety, emergency, and health services after the accident, although traffic has now been restored.

The 112 initiated a large deployment of resources that moved to the scene including personnel from the Civil Guard, the Local Police of Casabermeja, the Provincial Fire Consortium of the Provincial Council, and the 061, who deployed a helicopter, three medical teams, and a mobile ICU.


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