Con la revisión del proceso de distribución, los costos para el SSN se redujeron en un 13%.

(Adnkronos) – After a year from the introduction of the rules in the 2024 Budget Law regarding the distribution of certain categories of medications, «I made the final balance of what was the first application of this legislation, which highlighted the positive economic effects with a significant transfer of medications from a payment method that affects an organized mechanism leading the patient in particular district to a convenient method, therefore allowing for the immediate availability of these medications from the pharmacy at home or nearby.» «The provision has a very important value, emphasizes Russo, especially in the areas of Italy where health facilities are more distant and therefore has a positive effect on maintaining therapeutic continuity, especially for chronic diseases like diabetes.» «Due to the reclassification of glipin-based antidiabetic medications and the revision of the distribution process for these medications, there was increased therapeutic adherence. The impact is generally positive, and based on these results, the monitoring table of the Ministry of Health has instructed the Italian Drug Agency to continue identifying a new therapeutic category that can be considered for transfer by March 30, 2025, reclassifying from -ft to».[email protected] (Web Information)
Please rewrite the following sentence:
«The cat chased the mouse around the house.»
«The mouse was chased by the cat throughout the house.»