Avance de vehículos eléctricos

Electric mobility requires every day. And it is consolidating as the most suitable and viable response that allows the world to make a change in the transportation matrix. If you wonder why this is happening, the answer is: because we must stop polluting the air, waters, and soils. Remember, not only our health is at stake, but also that of the biodiversity we share the planet with.
It takes a lot of effort to raise awareness of what is needed to stop pollution. But it is not enough. There is still a long way to go that necessarily involves, once and for all, the use of fossil fuels. And Electric mobility can be a viable alternative to reach.
What is electric mobility?
It is the system that includes different types of vehicles that use electricity as a source of energy. The number of these options is increasing because there is investment and innovation in the sector. The main means of electric mobility BE: BE:

- Bicycle
- Trucking
- Bus
- Scooter
- Motorcycles
- Tractor
- rustic
Electric mobility has an ideal complement: renewable energies. The electricity used to recharge these vehicles must come from clean and unlimited production sources.
Electric mobility against pollution
The pollution generated by gases and debris of all kinds, which appear Burning fossil fuels in order to move different types of vehicles is a good proof that humans are reluctant. And as much as we know how bad they are, we still cling to them.
To this are added the large assets behind the oil fields. These lobes do everything possible to continue their businesses. From here Electric mobility does not amuse them in the least.
We all know that The oil will end But it seems that we were waiting to be told: tomorrow the last drop will end, to look for alternatives. That, in addition to providing solutions and a need for Sustainable mobility if possible, ceases to be the main source of environmental pollution.
Today Pollution is one of the main causes of illness and death. of millions of people around the world. But it also affects animals and plants, which undergo genetic changes and degenerative mutations, are intoxicated and sick, or simply die.
Why is support for electric mobility so vital?
The pollution generated by the transportation of people and goods, whether by land (cars, trucks, buses, or trains), air, or sea, is one of the major sources of pollution for the environment. Because not only poisonous gases are emitted, but also particles, debris, discharges, etc. are toxic to soils and water.
Electric mobility Must be one of the ways that make humanity adopt a new life. Durable that, together with others, such as responsible consumption of all kinds of resources and products. And implementing comprehensive measures of Circular economy helps to stop and, if possible, to reverse the damage caused.
Switching to electric mobility must be comprehensive to be sustainable
This is one of the areas that all plans aiming to renew their transportation should pivot on. If the goal is sustainability, that is, to continue moving people and goods for a long time without harming the environment, you cannot change only some parts of the large team that constitutes mobility.
And Vehicles of all kinds moving only with electricityMost of the environmental pollution would disappear. As long as the electricity comes from sources of renewable energy Because, if fossil fuels are burned, smog generation will be used, which will be the indirect responsibility of these same vehicles, no matter how electric they are.
So Electric mobility is an effective change in transportation regulations, a new and innovative road traffic signage, providing specific education or education oriented to pedestrians, installed electrobics and recharging points for Electric cars and a length, etc.
What we are sure of is that they have begun to take steps in the right direction. Electric mobility has ceased to be a chimera to become a reality. And over time it will strengthen to become a solution for the transportation of people and goods with the environment.