Advertencia de síntomas prolongados de incomodidad digestiva y riesgo de tumor gástrico

Advertencia de síntomas prolongados de incomodidad digestiva y riesgo de tumor gástrico

The experts and patient representatives for gastric tumors have emphasized that digestive problems, known as dyspepsia, which persist over time and are accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive weight loss, should be a warning sign for both the individual and primary care professionals of the risk of gastric tumor, for the patient’s risk, Gastric Award.

«There should be an estimated time for (this symptomatology) to be normal, that is, when it lasts over time, it can be referred to the specialist, and then evaluate to perform a bit of control gastroscopy, or anything else, what cannot be delayed and reach that lever of that year or level or level level Two years,» explained the President of the Association against Gastric Cancer and Ruiz Gastric, on the day «updates on the approach and treatment of gastric cancer, promoted by the ECO Foundation in collaboration with Astellas.

Gastric cancer is a health problem that in Spain is given «less concern» compared to other countries. It is the fifth tumor in global incidence, while at the national level, the incidence is «medium-sized.» However, its frequent diagnosis in advanced and metastatic stages, representing approximately 80 percent of cases due to nonspecific symptoms and lack of detection, makes the survival of Spanish patients reach 28 percent.

That is why, although there has been progress in both identifying biomarkers and in the approach and treatment of the disease, experts have focused on some of the unmet needs, such as awareness among the population and primary care professionals, along with the implementation of screening programs that enable the early detection of the pathology, as well as the rapid detection of tumors, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and cervical cancer.

In this regard, oncologist Javier Sastre, from the Clinical University Hospital in San Carlos (Madrid), emphasized that there are numerous studies investigating to have a «lighter and faster» examination for gastric tumors than gastroscopy, which is currently the test used and «consumes a lot.»

Regarding the prevention of gastric cancer, oncologist Fernando Rivera, from the University Hospital of Valdecilla, detailed that this can be done at two levels. On the one hand, at the level of risk factors, preventing and treating the bacterium «Helicobacter pylori,» the main culprit of stomach cancer, and on the other hand, at the level of gastric cancer detection. As he said, «both are profitable.»

As «detection» is not systematically established in Western countries or, particularly, in Spain, experts have supported the importance of controlling risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, and obesity.

Additionally, oncologist Virginia Arrazubi, from the University Hospital of Navarra, warned that gastric cancer can affect young patients, and more frequently in those over 65 years. Along these lines, doctors also urged to pay attention to symptoms presented by the younger population that do not exclude the possibility of gastric tumor.

Javier Sastre has listed other aspects to consider for better management of gastric tumors, such as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which allows verifying if a patient is free or not; more research in advanced gastric tumors, whose median survival is approximately 10 or 11 months; and reducing the waiting time between a drug being approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (AEMP).

«From society and patient associations, we have to strengthen, so if EMA is «good» for its use in practice, on Monday and Monday it is not used in our country,» said Sastre.

On the other hand, hepatologist Carolina Martinez, from the Clinical University Hospital of Valencia, gave a presentation on emerging biomarkers, which make a difference in addressing these tumors and, in particular, focused on Claudin 18.2.

«The success of precision medicine certainly depends on the appropriate selection of patients who are most likely to benefit from a specific treatment with the lowest side effects. This is what we achieve through the study of predictive biomarkers, which will allow us to predict if a patient is more likely to benefit from a treatment or if, in the case, should not, should not, should not, should not,»

Claudin 18.2 is one of these biomarkers that have revolutionized gastric cancer, and Martinez emphasized that it should be incorporated into routine practice. At this time, she emphasized that pathology laboratories are going through the optimization and validation process.

Furthermore, Martinez addressed the benefits that artificial intelligence (AI) will bring to research and clinical practices because, although it is currently being implemented «a lot» and requires efforts to address more challenges, it will allow for the automation of measurements.

The day served as a framework to present the «White Paper on Gastric Cancer and Gastroesophageal Union in Spain,» which emphasizes the importance of these diseases being treated by multidisciplinary teams, which concurred. Virginia Arrazubi specified that these multidisciplinary healthcare committees must evolve and incorporate new professionals, such as medical assistants or nutritionists.

Additionally, she stressed the specialization in gastric tumors of all professionals who are part of these teams; a specialization that should not be limited to the surgeon but also extends to the oncologist and hepatologist, with the goal of «increasing the quality» of discussions and, with this, decisions.

The President of the Association against Gastric Cancer and Gastrectomized (ACCGG) lamented that not all hospitals have these multidisciplinary teams and urged them to create reference consultations that contribute to increasing the quality of patient care.

Furthermore, Pilar Ruiz addressed the value of patients receiving human attention from specialists. Therefore, she indicated that it is «fundamental» for doctors to show empathy and put themselves in the patient’s place from the moment the diagnosis is transferred. Then, throughout the course of the disease, she emphasized that both the affected individual and the environment should receive psychological support.



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