10 millones de euros para transporte activo.

10 millones de euros para transporte activo.

These subsidies are part of the Ministry’s bonus program to stimulate the use of public transportation, which, for the first time, includes funds to encourage the use of bicycles, promote active, sustainable, and healthy mobility.

Grants are aimed at local and supramunicipal entities that have public bike lending services. The application must be submitted through the ministry’s electronic headquarters until April 30, 2025, when the deadline is completed.

It is a measure in which municipalities must participate. Not surprisingly, the mobilized funds are intended to cover a 30% reduction in the price of fertilizers or Lumpar rates that allow unlimited bike trips for a certain period for local or supramunicipal entities committed to increasing bonuses by up to 50%. In other words, they must co-finance, burdened to their own budgets, a reduction of at least 20%.


Potential beneficiaries of these subsidies, as outlined in Royal Decree 1/2025, will have to apply through the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility’s electronic headquarters before April 30, 2025.

The requirements to access them are:

  • They have a fee system for recurring titles in public bike lending services.
  • In the case of local entities obligated to have a Low Emission Zone (LEZ), they must have an effectively implemented LEZ in their territory or commit to it by 2025.

To consider the implementation of the LEZ, it will be necessary to establish current municipal and application regulations that include the legal delimitation of the LEZ and its regulation; as well as prohibitions or restrictions on access, traffic, and vehicle parking based on the vehicles’ pollution potential.

Additionally, a system for access control, monitoring, and enforcement, excluding an opinion system that may have been considered, will be required.

Local entities that submit their application within 30 calendar days following the call for these subsidies may opt for an advance equivalent to 30% of total revenues received for selling recurring titles corresponding to the 2024 fiscal year.

Regarding the payment of the aid, beneficiaries will submit settlements in January and February of 2026 related to titles and fertilizers issued between January 1 and December 31, 2025. Upon receiving this documentation, the General Directorate of Mobility Strategy will proceed with processing the aid payment.



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