«Recetas antidisfagia para mejorar la calidad de vida»

«Recetas antidisfagia para mejorar la calidad de vida»

(Adnkronos) – «Thanks to the collaboration with Aisla, the Italian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Slafood and the Nemo Clinical Centers, which have always been with the Italian ALS community, the selection of recipes «Flavors. Captivity. Autonomy» is born, whose aim is precisely to help people with ALS suffering from dysphagia not to give up the pleasure of the flavors of the table, to benefit from conviviality and, above all, to feel independent in everyday life. a precious collaboration because it allows us to respond to the real needs of patients.» This is what Rossella Balsamo, Medical Affairs & Regulatory Zambon Italy and Switzerland, the company supporting the project, tells Adnkronos about the initiative that addresses ALS in a different way: «Flavors. Captivity. Autonomy»: offers a selection of recipes capable of satisfying a very important need of patients suffering from this rare neurodegenerative disease. «We conducted a survey among Italian patients suffering from ALS – Balsamo continues – It turned out that 3 out of 4 live with dysphagia, that is, difficulty swallowing.» This condition «involves a series of obstacles. In fact, for 66% of the respondents, it hinders meals and affects the desire to eat in company. In addition, 53% pointed out that swallowing difficulties make them lose their appetite, in addition to feeling tired and lacking in energy. Finally, 69% report that this condition affects their emotional state, generating pessimism and distrust. The data from this survey allowed us to document on paper the real difficulties of the ALS patient with dysphagia» and gave rise to the specific prescription project. «Following the spirit of our vision – «Innovative care and care to make patients live better» (ed.) we decided to work with authorized partners – she specifies – for the dissemination of a practical tool, capable of responding to the psychosocial needs of people with ALS. Helping the patient improve swallowing, in fact, not only solves a physical problem, but significantly improves their quality of life, because this aspect has a strong impact on conviviality.» Due to dysphagia, «patients often feel uncomfortable sitting at the table with their family members or caregivers – Balsamo highlights – Giving them the possibility with these recipes to enjoy a dish capable of improving conviviality, without feeling embarrassed, is extremely important for quality of life.» The close collaboration «with the Aisla association, with Slafood and its chefs, and with the scientific supervision of the Milan headquarters of the Nemo clinical centers» has given «added value to nutrition and nutrition for us as well as for the company supporting them.» projects – she concludes – but above all for the patient who benefits from it» and thus regains aspects of life compromised by the disease, but important, such as conviviality. -[email protected] (Web information)



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