El presupuesto del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en 2025 aumentará un 5,7 %

El presupuesto del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en 2025 aumentará un 5,7 %

Almeida and Hidalgo present the municipal budgets for 2025, in the press conference after the Government Board meeting this Thursday

The Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, together with the Delegate for Economy, Innovation, and Finance, Engracia Hidalgo, presented the budget project for the next year after its approval by the Government Board held this morning. These accounts will allow the City Council of the capital to have 6.277 billion euros in 2025, 338 million more than in 2024, representing an increase of 5.7%. Including the public business sector, the budget amounts to 7.558 billion euros.

The budget for 2025 is realistic, adjusted to the economic situation and fiscal rules, despite uncertainties, and supported by national economic forecasts that once again place Madrid as the center of socio-economic activity in the country. It includes a new reduction in the IBI rate that will save Madrid taxpayers 31 million euros.

These accounts are based on three main pillars: economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and maintaining social spending. Economic sustainability is evident in the economic solvency of the Madrid City Council, as current revenues finance current spending and investments.

Furthermore, the budget includes 667 million euros for implementing transformative projects in the city such as covering the M-30 at Ventas and undergrounding the A-5, as well as the final stretch of Paseo de la Castellana, projects that promote competitiveness and territorial cohesion. All this, while reinforcing public services to ensure they are of the highest quality.

It also prioritizes environmental sustainability with 1.913 million euros allocated to the Urban Planning, Environment, and Mobility Area, of which more than 330 million is for street cleaning, maintaining the Cambia 360 grants.

These are accounts that will once again focus on social spending, reaching 1.130 million euros, allowing 326 euros per inhabitant to be allocated, 30% more than in 2019; they will bring culture and sports to all districts of the capital and will continue to enhance Madrid’s image as an international tourist and business destination, making it a city where innovation and entrepreneurship converge with a more digital, efficient, and citizen-friendly administration.

Expenditure by chapters

Looking at the classification of the budget by chapters, the first, which includes Personnel Expenses, increases by 89 million euros to 2.093 million, 4.4% more than in 2024, which will allow covering the remuneration of almost 32,000 municipal employees, as well as budgeting for the incorporation of new personnel from the employment offer and compliance with signed agreements. The 2025 budget includes 25.9 million euros for new staff, allowing the incorporation of 1,115 operational staff (Municipal Police, Firefighters, SAMUR-PC, and Mobility Agents) and 2,189 staff of various categories from both the general administration and special.

Another section that experiences a significant increase is chapter 2, Current Goods and Services Expenses, which reaches 2.657 million euros, 93 million more than in 2024, 3.6% more, mainly to cover services related to environmental sustainability, cleaning, and green areas.

On the other hand, while chapter 3, Financial Expenses, decreases by 13.5 million to 98.3, chapter 4, Current Transfers, reaches 566.4 million, 30.6 million more, including 264 million as a contribution to the Regional Transport Consortium and various very relevant assistance lines for Madrid residents such as the Families Card, endowed with 20 million, emergency social assistance, or grants for nursery schools, which increase from 3.7 to 4.2 million euros. Also, the contributions budgeted for municipal commercial companies represent 29% of the total chapter credits, amounting to 169 million. Regarding chapter 5, Contingency Fund, it increases by 5.8 million, reaching 38 million euros.

The planned investments for next year increase by 142 million euros, reaching 667 million, the highest amount since 2009, a figure that, added to that of public companies, amounts to 895 million. The budget includes 596 investment projects, with 335 million euros of new investment. In the first two years of this term, 1.192 million euros will be invested, surpassing by 146 million the 1.046 invested in the four years of the 2016-2019 term.

Of the total of 667 million euros, 643 million correspond to investments made by the different areas in the districts, 130 million more than in the current year. Noteworthy by subject are the 121 million in urban planning; 57 million in sports; 36 in culture; 23 in protection and social promotion or the 22 million euros in information technology and communications. In 2025, investments will be made in 45 facilities: 13 cultural, 12 sports, nine social, five security and emergencies, and six others of various natures.

Finally, Capital Transfers, included in chapter 7, decrease by 3 million to 0.2 million euros.

Increased spending in areas and districts

Spending increases in all areas of government: Urban Planning, Environment, and Mobility, by 9.2% to 1.914 million euros; Social Policies, Family, and Equality, by 7.4% to 375.7 million; Vice Mayor, Spokesperson, Security, and Emergencies, by 4.9% to 1,084.7 million; Culture, Tourism, and Sports, by 4.2% to 243 million; Works and Equipment, by 3.7% to 635.8 million; Economy, Innovation, and Finance, by 2.9% to 514.5 million; and Housing Policies, by 2.3% to 219.8 million euros.

Regarding the four delegated areas, all of them will manage more budget: Sports, by 11% to 37.6 million; Tourism, by 2.4% to reach 13.6 million euros; Cleaning and Green Areas, by 1.1% to 1.116 million; and the Delegated Area of Innovation and Entrepreneurship increases by 0.1% to almost 29 million euros.

The districts continue with the increase experienced last year, started in the previous term. In 2025, all of them will have more budget than in 2024, with increases ranging from 11.8% in Arganzuela to 0.9% in Retiro. Next year, the 21 districts of the capital will manage a total of 923.1 million euros, 41 million more than in 2024, representing a 4.6% increase. Of the total of 923 million, 480 million will correspond to the nine SURES districts (south and east) and 443 to the remaining 13 districts.


The forecast of non-financial income for next year increases by 396 million euros, 6.7% more than in 2024, reaching 6.336 million euros. This growth already includes the impact of the 31 million that Madrid residents and companies will save next year as a result of the new reduction in the IBI rate from 0.442% to 0.428%, approaching the legal minimum of 0.4%.

Thanks to all the tax reductions carried out during the Almeida Government, Madrid residents will not pay 220 million euros next year, an accumulated saving that in five years exceeds 1.027 million euros. Also, one more year, the City Council will continue with the refunds of the capital gains tax as a result of the application of the Constitutional Court’s ruling, which, to date, has resulted in the Council refunding around 480 million euros.

In direct taxes, the forecast is 2.514 million euros, 101 million more than in 2024, while indirect taxes decrease by 22.7 million to 246 million. The collection of fees increases to 1.008 million euros, 259 million more, an increase mainly derived from the implementation of the new waste collection and treatment fee imposed by the central government on all Spanish municipalities. Current transfers increase by 62 million to 2.370.9 million euros. In addition, property income remains virtually the same as this year, amounting to 80 million. Regarding the sale of real investments, it slightly decreases to reach 117 million, while capital transfers are reduced by 2.6 million to 0.2 million euros.

General Coordination of the Mayor’s Office

The General Coordination of the Mayor’s Office will continue the digital transformation process of municipal services and the city within the framework of the Madrid Digital Capital strategy. To carry out these projects, it will have a budget of 216.3 million euros, 15 million more than in 2024, representing a 7.7% increase.

The Digital Office will allocate a budget of 11.4 million euros to this process, increasing by 41.2% compared to 2024 (3.3 million euros) to continue developing the projects of Madrid Digital Capital. Among others, it will address the strengthening of the Digital Transformation Center; the promotion of technological infrastructures and new use cases of the City’s Digital Twin, framed in the Data Strategy; the design of hyperconnected smart urban spaces through IoT networks and the promotion of 5G infrastructures and projects and the city’s 6G laboratory.

The Informatics of the Madrid City Council (IAM) will have a budget of 164 million euros, 6.2% higher than in 2024. The most notable new projects will focus on generative artificial intelligence for the development of automated services, a low-code platform to digitalize processes, and a process robotization platform.

Likewise, the General Coordination of the Mayor’s Office, in its strong support for projects that promote the city, will allocate 3.2 million euros to the audiovisual sector through collaboration in specific events, granting of subsidies, and training actions for new professionals to strengthen its productive fabric and make Madrid the audiovisual center of Spain and an international reference. In addition, through the Forum for Madrid platform and in collaboration with the business sector, actions will be planned and financed for the benefit of the city.

Area of Vice Mayor, Spokesperson, Security, and Emergencies

The Area of Vice Mayor, Spokesperson, Security, and Emergencies will have a budget of 1,084.7 million euros for 2025, including the autonomous body Madrid Health, 51 million more than in 2024, representing an increase of 4.9%.

In terms of security and emergencies, to increase citizen protection, provide an effective response to emergencies, and increase the prevention capacity of Madrid residents, 890 million will be allocated to personnel expenses of the Municipal Police, SAMUR-Protection Civil, and Firefighters. This credit will allow strengthening their staff with 695 and 196 new members, respectively, under the ‘Plan 10,000’ born in this term. Also, 64.4 million will be allocated to maintain and improve their infrastructure.

They will also be provided with the necessary means, with almost 10.2 million, for the lease of 256 Municipal Police vehicles and 3.3 million for new uniforms; the 2025 annual payment of the new SAMUR-PC ambulances contract (23.4 million), which includes nine additional vehicles, and more than 500,000 euros for the maintenance of electromedical devices.

In new investments, highlights include 22 million for 47 new heavy Firefighter vehicles, more than 2 million for the video surveillance systems on Cullera Street (Latina) and in the Calero (Ciudad Lineal) and Pradolongo (Usera) parks, and 1.15 million for the new Police Logistics Center in Orcasur (Usera). In addition, 1.24 million will be allocated to renovate Base 0 of SAMUR-PC, 930,000 euros for the supply of medical assistance devices, and 545,000 euros for autonomous breathing apparatuses at the Firefighter Logistics Complex.

The general directorates linked to the Vice Mayor will focus on advancing territorial balance, improving coordination with districts and municipal decentralization, promoting accessibility, fostering transparency, informing, and promoting citizen participation.

Among the highlights are the 80.9 million for territorial rebalancing plans that will develop 298 projects for the improvement of the most vulnerable neighborhoods; the 24.1 million to finance 37 participatory budget projects; the 23.5 million allocated to the management contract of the Línea Madrid customer service channels; the 150,000 euros to equip the Citizen Service Offices (OAC), highlighting the new Salamanca headquarters, and the 7.75 million to promote actions with non-profit citizen entities in the districts (district collaboration units). In addition, 400,000 euros will be allocated to the recording and broadcasting systems of the plenary sessions of the district boards and more than 650,000 euros for improving accessibility in the capital.

Madrid Health, on the other hand, will have around 120 million to continue promoting healthy habits (for example, with the new Municipal Health School, recently launched) and to continue with plans against unwanted loneliness, addictions, and suicide prevention.

Area of Urban Planning, Environment, and Mobility

The Area of Urban Planning, Environment, and Mobility foresees an initial budget of 1.914 million euros for the year 2025, 161 million more than this year, representing an increase of almost 9.2%. The most important projects are related to the creation of more sustainable and environmentally friendly urban spaces such as the execution of the Southwest Green Boulevard, the promotion of new urban developments to create more housing, the improvement of city cleanliness, the conservation of green areas, and the improvement of mobility.

In urban planning, actions that facilitate the construction of new homes and the acquisition of land for public facilities will be prioritized. The urbanization process of the southeast developments in Los Cerros, Los Ahijones, Valdecarros, and El Cañaveral will continue. In addition, the management of Madrid Nuevo Norte and the Campamento military facilities area will continue.

A budget of 2.7 million euros is allocated for the General Plan Office, created in February of this year to advance in the study and drafting of the Madrid 360 Urban Strategy that will bring to life the new plan.

In 2025, in addition to the 127 million that will be allocated to the undergrounding of the A-5, the lot 3 of the first phase of the Southwest Green Boulevard will be drafted, whose construction began on October 11, 2024. With this lot, the boulevard that will be born from the covering of the highway will be urbanized.

With a budget of 5.5 million euros, the extension of the SER in three neighborhoods of Usera is planned: Moscardó, Almendrales, and Pradolongo.

The area will maintain the Cambia 360 grants, for which more than 100 million euros have been allocated so far for the renewal of taxi fleets, private and freight vehicles, as well as the promotion of electric recharging infrastructures and heating and air conditioning installations with clean technologies.

The Delegated Area of Cleaning and Green Areas will work to make Madrid a greener and more sustainable city with an investment of 1.116 million euros. 2.8 million euros will be reserved for the adaptation and recovery of the lower section of the Manzanares River channel; 125.3 million for the operation and improvement of waste treatment facilities; 20 million for the modernization of urban furniture in Madrid; more than 330 million for street cleaning and more than 200 million for the conservation of greenery, parks, and the city’s green heritage.

Area of Culture, Tourism, and Sports

The expense budget of the Area of Culture, Tourism, and Sports for the year 2025 amounts to 243 million euros, an increase of 4.2% compared to the current year.

Culture will have 191.7 million euros, 3.1% more than in 2024, with the triple objective of guaranteeing access to culture for all citizens, strengthening the city’s cultural fabric, and consolidating Madrid’s position as a cultural capital internationally. To achieve this, the budgetary effort focuses on activities that contribute to consolidating services to citizens through the activity of museums and archives and, particularly, the Public and Specialized Libraries Network of the City Council; those aimed at conservation of cultural heritage and the dissemination of its knowledge; the financing of a top-level cultural program with new projects such as the Dance Hall, the Flamenco Biennial, or the second edition of Refúgiate en la Cultura, and competitive-concurrence aid lines to the city’s cultural and business fabric.

Likewise, the economic support through nominative subsidies to the most significant institutions in the cultural life of Madrid residents and Spaniards, and to projects and cultural events of various kinds such as the celebration of the centenary of the Moyano Hill Book Fair, will be maintained and even increased.

Regarding investments, in addition to the renovation of the collections and funds of cultural institutions, the City Council continues to focus on the restoration, conservation, and rehabilitation of cultural heritage, highlighting actions in the Hexagons Pavilion, the History Museum, or the adaptation of the new rooms of the Contemporary Art Museum.



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